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sas-aesthetics | Dr M Saleki | Face Contouring | Harley Street | London


Made popular by celebrities like the Kardashian Sisters. Face Sculpting has gained momentous popularity, it is the perfect treatment to balance and perfect facial features.


Dr. Saleki will use PDO threads, dermal fillers or best of all, a combination of the two to create lasting and effective results that define and contour the mid and lower face.


From £270


30 minutes


Always a Doctor


3-10 days

  • What is the Fox Eyes Lift?
    This treatment is an innovative technique which uses dissolvable sutures to lift and elongate the eye to create a more almond shape whilst simultaneously lifting the brow tail to create a feminine effect with a more open upper eyelid.
  • What are the different techniques used to achieve this at sas aesthetics?
    Dr. Saleki offers three different techniques to achieve this look. All these techniques are unique to our clinic and have been developed and perfected by Dr. Saleki. All these treatments can be done using local anaesthetic in under one hour with minimal downtime: PDO Threadlifts – this is the most commonly used technique where lifting dissolvable sutures are inserted under the skin to create a lift lasting 6-12 months. This technique is popular as it’s the most cost effective and offers a great option for those wanting to build up the effect of the lift over time. Semi-permanent threads – this type of lift uses a similar technique to PDO threads however has a much higher longevity as the suture material are prone to degradation by the body with results reported to last between 2-3 years. The Hybrid Mini Surgical technique – this has the best longevity of results and is done under local anaesthetic via a single hairline incision combined with lifting sutures to create a result that can last up to 5 years.
  • Is the treatment painful?
    All of the techniques used by Dr. Saleki are relatively painless as she will give you an effective and long lasting local anaesthetic injection. The LA injections will feel like a pin prick. You may experience some very mild headaches after the treatment which will respond well to over the counter pain killers and are short lived in nature.
  • Will I have a scar?
    The beauty of this treatment is that it’s free of incisions. The treatment is done through needle entry points with a cannula and is therefore has a negligible risk scarring compared to surgery where the skin is cut.
  • What is the downtime? Will the skin folds be permanent?
    Threadlifts will heal within 7-10 days as the swelling and bruising settles down. There maybe some skin folds in the hairline which will relax after 2-3 weeks. Hybrid mini surgical technique has a slightly longer down time with healing expected 10-21 days after the treatment.
  • What are the complications with thread lift?
    The treatment is relatively safe, with minor complications such as swelling and bruising however there is a slightly increased risk of infection with PDO threads compared to other treatments. There is a small risk of nerve damage and a negligible risk of scarring compared to surgery. During your appointment your doctor will explain the measures you must take to avoid this during your appointment.
  • Will my skin be more “saggy” once the threads dissolve?
    This is not the case, the skin surrounding the PDO thread will be stimulated to create more collagen which will make the skin more firm and less prone to “sagging” or wrinkles.
  • What do I have to avoid before and after the treatment?
    As with all aesthetics treatments, consumption of alcohol should be avoided for 12 hours before and after treatment, the same is said for smoking but for 6 hours. Specific to thread lifts, you should avoid strenuous exercise for 2 weeks after the treatment. Some clients maybe advised to go on a liquid diet for 3 -5 after the treatment. Depending on your medical conditions some clients who are diabetic or more prone to infection should take antibiotics for a short period after the treatment. ​ Other post treatment precautions will depend on which area is treated and will be discussed with you in depth during your clinic appointment.
  • Who can’t have the treatment?
    This treatment is not recommended for pregnant women, those who are unable to avoid strenuous exercise for a period of two weeks such as athletes or those working in the fitness industry. Those with obesity are discouraged from having this treatment.
  • How long will the results last?
    PDO threads last 3-12 months depending on your lifestyle and level of activity – For longer lasting results a repeat procedure is advisable. ​ Other available suture materials with longer life spans will last between 2-3 years. ​ The hybrid mini surgical lift can give you results that last upto 5 years.
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